the Secrets of the Deep-dive Doodler

What if you could calm your mind in less time than it takes to make a cup of tea?

What if you never had to be trapped in a spiral of obsessive overthinking . . . ever again?

What if you knew there was no need to repeat affirmations you KNOW you don’t believe?

Or read books that never quite tell you what you want to know.

Or listen to more podcasts that just, well, make you think more and more . . . and more.

Or learn a whole new mountain of facts?

A calm mind isn’t a myth, it’s just a doodle away.

In DETOXING FROM OVERTHINK you learn how to bypass mental clutter without any of the above.

Instead, I show you a simple doodle task that trades mental clutter for clarity.

All it takes is a few strokes of a pencil to open the door to a calmer and more creative you.

Does this sound anything like you?

You want to feel calm and focused, free from mental clutter.

You’re looking for a way to still your overthinking mind that isn’t overwhelming or complicated.

Your thoughts are spiraling and battling each other, leaving you trapped in a morass of overthinking and self-doubt.

Perhaps you’re weary of trying to force yourself to be calm with meditation apps that don’t ring true or advice that feels impossible to follow and just makes you think and think some more.

You’re exhausted with the feeling of analysis paralysis, and by second-guessing every creative decision you make.

You wish there was a way to break free from the tyrannical cycle of comparison, self-criticism, and overwhelm—but without needing hours or expensive tools, or having to learn a mountain of new information.

I created DETOXING FROM OVERTHINK to make those ‘imagine ifs’ possible.

It’s a short course offering a deep dive into a simple doodling task that shows you how to swap stress for serenity. All you need is a pencil and fewer than five minutes, anytime, anywhere.

Creativity is hard-wired into our brains, and at the center of every creative endeavor is the wish to do it without battling through a million and one conflicting thoughts about how our thing should or not look, what others will think of it, and whether we’re even capable of starting, let alone finishing it.

It seems we are hardwired to plague ourselves with every doubt we can think of.

We want to do the thing, but we find ways of preventing ourselves by building seemingly insurmountable barriers made of … thoughts.

But thoughts are NOT hard-wired.

I’ve devised this simple tool to help you to melt those thoughts away for good.

I want to show you how easy it is clear your mind—without having to learn meditation or sit cross-legged on a mat or burn incense or study the yogic techniques of deep breathing.

I want you to know how you can ditch the overwhelm and doodle your way to calm.

In minutes.

Without having to ‘achieve’ anything. Or ‘share’ anything. Or ‘show’ anything.

Or think anything. At all.

If you want this life-changing technique, and you want it now (or yesterday) for just USD$37, you can start right away by signing up below.

Right now, you’re struggling with mental clutter, constantly overthinking every decision you make.

Maybe you’ve tried all the tricks—meditation apps, to-do lists, and productivity hacks—but these somehow seem to feed the overthinking and it always creeps back in.

You’re stuck in a loop of self-doubt, comparison, and analysis paralysis.

You feel like you’re suffocating under all that mental noise, and every time you try to push through, the mental fog gets thicker.

DETOXING FROM OVERTHINK is designed to quiet your mind quickly and effectively.

You can experience the change immediately, without the overwhelm of traditional methods.

Now is the time to reclaim your calm—and it all starts with a few simple lines.

Hi, I’m Margrete Lamond!

I’ve lived in ashrams around the world and have immersed myself in meditation for decades. I’m also an awarded author, publisher and art director, having collaborated with scores of artists to develop their styles and illustrate award-winning picture books. When I’m not doing that, I’m writing a Doctoral creative work.

Calm isn’t a myth. It’s a doodle away.

Inspired by a mix of chance, the wisdom of the Tao Te Ching, and my need to bypass my own overthinking, I developed a practical method that merges doodling with mindfulness to inspire clarity, and creative freedom. Overthinking can’t be solved with more thinking—it can only be bypassed. My simple technique makes this possible.

Let’s move past the mental clutter and find calm together!

What you get in this course:


Video #1: Introduction to the course

In this brief introduction to the course, you receive an overview of what to expect in the course material, what you can to achieve by the end of it, and an all-important explanation of what deep-dive doodling IS and what it is NOT.

Video #2: Dissolving Doubts and Melting Misconceptions

This video dispels some of those preconceptions we might be harbouring at the back of our minds.

Only by dispelling these doubts can we clear the way to fully embrace the techniques described in DETOXING OVERTHINK.

Video #3: Overthink detox and the brain

This introduces how overthinking operates in the brain. We look at neurotransmitters, learn how dopamine can both help and hinder us, visit neuroplasticity and Alpha waves, and discover the power of association.

Video #4: Philosophy micro-course

In this video we discover practical philosophy, how this underpins the way we deep-dive doodle, and how it ties in with the science. We meet the wu wei taught in the Chinese philosophy of Taoism and expounded in the Tao Te Ching, and we see how we can apply this to our doodle task. Then we discover the Vijnanabhairava Tantra of Kashmir Shaivism and learn the magic ingredient that makes deep-dive doodling so different from any other kind of mindful doodling practice.

Video #5: The deep-dive doodle

This video shows us, step-by-step, the simple technique of the Deep-dive Doodle, including the basic doodle task, the use and practice of the magic ingredient, the application of Taoist wu wei, plus two extension tasks for those who want to explore the technique and magic further.


Total value of videos - $500

Video #6:

This video wraps up the mini course.

It also offers insights into my premium course, The Way of the Deep-dive Doodler, for those who are keen to extend their practice and embed the habit of mindfulness onto the work and life.

Audio recordings

Sometimes it isn’t practical to sit and watch a video. We might prefer to listen to the teachings while driving, walking, or resting, or while doing other tasks. People have different learning modes, and learn better by listening.

That’s why this mini-course provides audio recordings of each of the videos, making it easier to access course contents without having to rely on one single mode of delivery.

Total value of audios - $300


Just as some people learn better by listening, and others by combining watching and listening, there are those who absorb information best by reading (I’m one of those).

Of this group, some are happy to read on-screen, while others (like me), need a printed hard copy for optimal learning.

We provide a downloadable transcript of the videos for all who like their courses in printed format, as well as including it in the body of each lesson.

Total value of transcripts - $240

Deep-dive Doodler templates

Sometimes it’s easier to follow a template than to draw one up for yourself, at least in the early stage of a practice like deep-dive doodling. It’s also easy to lose templates after you’ve printed them out. That’s why we include a fresh template with each of the five daily emails. These templates are designed to help you with the two variations of doodle durations: the 3-second doodled line and the 5-second doodled line.

Total value of templates - $30

Some frequently asked questions:

  • You may not be interested in creativity in the conventional sense of the word. But human beings (and some other animals) are naturally creative in myriad ways that have nothing to do with drawing, singing or writing novels. Chances are, you’re deeply creative without knowing it. And chances are, your innate creativity would benefit greatly by being freed of rusted-on ideas about what is and what isn’t creative. Frying an egg and putting it on toast requires creative decisions without being a work of art. So does packing a car for a long holiday, selecting an ideal camping spot, or deciding on an alternative route to avoid traffic (because we know what even Siri does not). I can vouch for your being deeply creative, just not in ways you expected. Deep-dive doodling will free more space in your mind for that alternative kind of creativity to flourish.

  • One of the things our minds like to do is to complicate things. This evolves into an assumption that presumes the more complicated something is, the more attention and value it deserves. The obverse of this belief tells us that the simpler something is, the less attention or value we need to give it. This is why the simplest things in life are often considered the most irrelevant, when in fact they can be the MOST relevant. As the Tao Te Ching tells us, the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. That first step might seem irrelevant when we contemplate the full thousand-mile journey, but without it, we stay in the same place and go nowhere. The magic of deep-dive doodling is that its seeming simplicity has the power to open us to a state of mind that we may never have experienced before. And it’s only by glimpsing that state of mind that we can imagine what lies beyond it.

  • It’s true, we don’t need anything but the practical technique itself to be deep-dive doodlers. But to properly surrender to the process, it can be useful to understand the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of what we’re doing. This not only dispels lingering doubts and eliminates any stubborn preconceptions that might be standing in our way, but it cements the practice in time and space, making it less abstract and esoteric, which is important if our minds are to fully embrace it.

  • We do indeed need to think about some things to stay alive. Many things, in fact. We need to think to make plans and devise solutions, from the simplest daily tasks to brain surgery and rocket science. But we don’t need to rely entirely on the thoughts produced by our conscious minds, because these thoughts are limited (even when we’re rocket scientists). Conscious thoughts are limited because the conscious mind can only process a certain amount of information at any given moment (400 bits per second), and the total amount of information available to us at any given moment is mega-colossal (11 million bits per second). Fortunately, we have a vast space available to each of us, called the subconscious mind, and that’s where we process the gargantuan volumes of information that stream in through our senses (27,500 times what we can process consciously). It’s this mammoth reservoir that that we should draw upon whenever face knotty problems. But we can only access it if we silence the twittering of our conscious minds, at least for a moment.  So yes, we need to think, but we certainly don’t need to overthink anything. And it’s overcoming overthink that we’re here to do, so we can hear the promptings of our subconscious minds or, as some call it, our intuition. Deep-dive doodling can help us achieve this.

  • It is indeed a simple exercise, but there are 3 or 4 elements to it that make my technique ‘deep dive’, and that set it apart from other mindful doodling techniques. Most mindful drawing, doodling or colouring methods that I’ve explored will speak about stillness, calm and mindfulness, but their techniques tend to be grounded in the realm of thoughts and things. Deep-dive doodling goes beyond this, and that is what makes it magical. You can find the techniques I use in the Vijnañabhairava, which is available online by a variety of commentators, and you can find the essential principles of deep-dive doodling in the Tao Te Ching, of which many translations are available. But if you want to combine these techniques and apply them to mindful mark-making, I’m sure you’ll find DETOXING OVERTHINK a useful course.

So who exactly is DETOXING FROM OVERTHINK for?

It’s for you if

you experience moments of self-doubt and frustration with your creative work.

You want to find a way to bypass those doubts and frustrations quickly, enabling you to regain your flow and confidence.

It’s for you if . . .

you would love to do something creative in the arts, but are plagued by negative self-assessment that tells you you’re too old, too inexperienced, too tall, too short, too late, too early, too weird, too ordinary … plus a whole lot of other “too-s” that I’m sure you’ve thought of.

It’s for you if . . .

you’re a writer, musician, designer, gardener, chef or any other type of creative person who loves what you do, but is stuck in a loop of self-doubt or self-criticism. This negative chatter holds you back, preventing you from expanding, developing, evolving, and makes you feel like you’re getting nowhere.

It’s for you if . . .

you’re an overthinker who overanalyzes problems and tries to think your way out of everything.

Instead of trusting your intuition, you get caught in mental analysis, leaving you stuck and unable to find innovative solutions.

It’s for you if . . .

you can be obsessive about past conversations or future scenarios. You find yourself replaying arguments, analysing past conversations, or imagining catastrophic outcomes. Whether you’re ironing, driving, or brushing your teeth, you mind can run wild and send you into in a tailspin of negativity.

It’s for you if . . .

if you are simply looking for a quick, easy way to calm your sometimes overactive mind. You’re not looking for complex solutions or a headful of new information—you just need a few strokes of a pencil to find that moment of peace and clarity.

Imagine this is you a month from now. . .

you look back and are amazed by how much lighter you feel.

You know how to quieten the negative chatter in your head by drawing a simple doodle or, better still, by simply IMAGINING yourself practicing a deep-dive doodle (that’s the REAL magic of this course).

You create with more ease, you think with more clarity, you solve problems with more intuition and less hyper-analysis.

As for spiraling into self-doubt or obsessive ruminating, you now nip those habits in the bud before they get a stranglehold.

In fact, those days of overthink stranglehold are past.

You know how to approach your tasks, your problems, or your work with calm; you trust your instincts to produce the solutions you need and deliver the innovative ideas you want.

The mental clamour that once held you back is replaced with clarity.

You have a feeling of control over your once unruly mind.

With a simple doodle technique, you've detoxed from overthinking, once and for all.

If you’re aching to calm your overthinking mind, lock in this current price now, before it expires.
