Have you ever spent days, weeks, months writing your way into a story, only to discover it lacks a vital ingredient?

Have you ever had to unravel everything and start over again?

Worse still, have you ever written all the way to the end of your story only to find that the ending now has nothing to do with the beginning?

Have you ever wondered why you are even trying to become a published author?

If you have answered YES to any of the above, you have come to the right place, because Seven Steps to Story is your perfect antidote.

Seven Steps to Story shows you how to craft the foundation for a rich and layered story that readers ... and publishers ... will want to read.

Let me tell you what you will be getting.

First of all, I wrote Seven Steps to Story to be a quick read, easy to follow, and to generate a rewarding result in a short period of time.

I also wrote it to explain the essential mechanics behind what makes a story appealing.

The beauty of this guide is that it banishes those wasted hours of trial-and-error writing that so often end in feelings of pointlessness and despair.

... not to mention stories that generate rejection slips from publishers.

... or that generate absolute SILENCE from publishers :-(

The guide is only 69 pages long (with lots of gaps and pretty things to look at), so you will quite likely read it in one sitting.

And you’ll quickly see the logic behind the seven steps of my system, and how applying these steps will give you the perfect tools for drafting a solid story outline.

By following Seven Steps to Story

• your levels of writerly anguish and frustration will wane

• drafting your stories will feel exhilarating instead of deflating

• writer’s block will recede into the dim mists of the past

• your creative time will be more fruitful

• you will write compelling stories, over and over again

So, as you can see, discovering how to draft your story in seven simple steps is not just about generating an initial story outline, it’s about the blossoming of your entire creative process.

Here are some of the storytelling tools you will find in Seven Steps to Story

•  the science of why stories are so important for us as humans 

• how stories and emotions work hand-in-hand

•  how to build a compelling, multi-faceted hero, faults and all

• why your hero needs a problem ... right from the start

•  step-by-step development of your character’s driving desire

•  what you must NEVER do

•  why some stories fail

•  how to eliminate that saggy midsection (without the gym!)

  • the only way to make you readers ADORE your hero

•  and the big myth-buster: You need to plot the ending last, right? Wrong!

And that's just a small fraction of what you'll find out.

Not only that, but I've made it easy for you to apply the strategies right away.

In fact, you can apply them as your read through the guide, because I have provided a workbook that follows the guide, step by step.

When you start using Seven Steps to Story, here’s what will happen.

First, you will be genuinely astonished by the richness, variety and depth of the storylines you come up with - whether you're a first-time writer or a seasoned picture-book author.

You'll plot story after story without ending up feeling defeated, confused, muddled, lost, dispirited or despairing.

* No more writing in circles.

* No more staring blankly at an empty screen or page.

* No more promising yourself you'll write that story 'one day'.

* No more second-guessing, finger-crossing and hoping no-one notices the hole in your story

* No more waste of precious hours on stuff that ends up in the trash

And you’re getting all this for the cost of a coffee (let's make that two coffees, to be honest)

Here's What To Do Next

The cost of this guide is $14.97, and you’ll get it right away as a download.

As soon as you place your order, you'll get an email with a link to download the guide and your workbook.

This guide is a distillation of how I work with all my authors ... from absolute first-timers through to award-winners.

It is a synthesis of tried-and-true principles of successful storytelling, combined with the brain science of how and why we tell stories ... all broken down into easy-to-follow steps.

Following this guide will free your creativity.

DISCLAIMER: The outcomes stated above are not what you can expect if you are not eager to also work hard at fleshing out your plot, revising, editing and rewriting. I have the benefit of over 25 years of experience as an editor and publisher (and even longer as a published author) and I know how much work goes into polishing a picture-book text. All successful storytelling requires persistence and dedication, and if persistence and dedication don’t appeal, Seven Steps to Story is probably not for you.